Davie's Music

Dancing on Charcoal - The Story of Judie Tzuke

Dancing on Charcoal - The Story of Judie Tzuke - has sat lurking on my shelf at home in its unfinished state for quite a while. I had arrived at the point that I couldn't really proceed any further without buy-in from the Tzuke camp. I certainly wasn't going to proceed with the book unless I knew that I had approval from at least Judie and Paul.

Good news, during the 'Beauty in Hindsight' tour, I handed a black and white copy of the unfinished article to Jude & co.. They have now gave me their blessing to complete the book and have confirmed that they will also assist with the publishing, sales and distribution.

I still have a lot of work to do to get it into a condition ready for print. There's still loads of information required to make it worthwhile. But, hopefully, now that I have permission to proceed... in a few short months... the story of Judie Tzuke may be available.

Although it is gonna be tough trying to juggle work, home life and trying to keep this web site and book writing going, now that I have the incentive to continue... ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

The book will include photographs (hopefully ones that you have never seen before), the story of Judie's childhood, her meeting with Mike Paxman, interviews with present and former band members, details of the record contracts throughout the years, all record releases (CD, Vinyl, Cassette, Video, DVD, etc.), details of her cover versions and who's covered her songs, all concert details including support groups and venues, TV and Radio appearances, details of every band member and special guests, chart details, etc., etc.

You may think it sound like this site... and it probably does in a small way... but it's this site and A WHOLE LOT MORE! I have found through compiling this book that there are (were - if I ever get the chance to change them) a lot of mistakes or ommissions in this site. Hopefully this book rectifies that but also provide far greater detail and in a way that it would be almost impossible to replicate on this site.

Having said that... I need your help. You may hold the key. A story that I don't know about. A rare release that you're keeping secret. Anything. If you have details that you feel may help make this book that little bit more special then please - LET ME KNOW!!!

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